Modern CNC Lathe
programme comes in a variety of configurations. If you are using a basic and
simple CNC Lathe, then a normal setup of 2 axis will be appropriate. A simple
and easy to use CNC Lathe uses a Z axis. The Z axis is equivalent to Spindle
axis and the X axis. The X axis generally set in the right angles to the
Controller of the CNC Lathe Program
The CNC Lathe
program will start on either diameter or radius mode at the time of set up.
While the program will remain in diameter mode, the X axis will value specific
diameters. In radius mode, the techies will specify a radius from the axis. One
important point you must remember that in the diameter mode, the X axis values
are exactly twice of the radius mode values. So, before using, you must be
aware of the mode of lathe you are using.
CNC Lathe- Easy for Use
After using the
lathe programming quite a few times, you yourself will find that any CNC lathe
is easy to use. The CNC Lathe can make some basic moves in regarding the lines
and arcs. Using the software programme will definitely give you some benefits
but the manual programme too not bad at all.
Different Types of CNC Lathe
CNC Lathes have
different types. One by one description will tell you everything about CNC
Flat Bed CNC Lathe- The flat bed CNC Lathe machines are automatic and
computerised. With accurate dimension, these devices have premium finishing and
high tensile of strength.
Slant Bed CNC Lathe- The slant bed CNC Lathe has developed with high end
technology and rigid casting. Customised program can ensure maximum performance
along with accurate machining.
Heavy Duty Purpose CNC Lathe- Some CNC Lathe machines are specially designed for
ensuring heavy duty purpose.
CNC Lathes are available with a variety of sizes, bed lengths and have
some optional features like compact and twin-turret lathe for shaft work and
twin-spindle lathe for various another works. The CNC Lathes that are up
for sale will help a client very much in his work.